Epic and heroic are the words that first come to mind as I see the cover of Coldplays newest album, Vida la Vida or Death and All His Friends.
It was been three years since Coldplay last released their very successful album, X&Y, and a long with a lot of other people, I thought it was the last I’d ever hear of them.
I was surprised, but not disappointed as I heard the opening and almost vocal-free track Life in Technicolor. It begins with a bit of a digital sound and continues to glide a long until joined with the sound of plucking guitar strings and a steady drumbeat.
The album then continues to develop, with surprises along each corner. The songs still have Coldplays complex and meaningful lyrics, just a different sound to them.
The attention to detail is very obvious, from the songs to even the cover, Coldplay haven’t missed a beat. Overal l the CD has a whimsical feel, with a lot of religious references that give their new album the moody feeling that fans of Coldplay love.
It is obvious that band members Chris Martin, Guy Berryman, Will Champion and Jonny Buckland agreed to ditch their yellow mellow persona and take on a new type of music style. The album does not come bustling in, knocking listeners off their feet and sending them through a rage of guitar riffs and drum beats, but rather enters politely, entrancing listeners, and never outstaying its welcome. You may think you have finished listening to the album when you hit the off button, but these songs stay with you for much longer.
Beautiful, poignant and breathtaking come to mind as the music slowly dies down and silence begins takes over, as the last track on the album, Death and All His Friends comes to an end.
Coldplay have outdone themselves with this album, their music has developed and matured, entrancing the listeners with this breathtaking piece of art. Coldplay have come a long way from Parachutes.
-kirstie x