Thus far every post in this blog has been a positive one, but thanks to recent events, this is about to change.
What better band to help we with that than the Jonas brothers? None. When I first heard this band a year or so ago, I thought they where a cute, poppy band. They were on Disney channel singing a song about a girl, who I think was called Mandy, and that was that. I really just forgot about them.
Until about a few months ago, when they seemed to have exploded into the media. All of a sudden they were on every television programme, every radio station, and every mypace pop-up add. Its a bit ridiculous.
I really hate mainstream things, therefore I really hate The Jonas brothers, because they are about as mainstream as you can get. From lunch boxes to glasses cases sold in Claire's, they are everywhere, and its bothering me.
It bothers me because although they may have good singing voices, the talent obviously ends there. I have only ever seen them play a guitar and a tambourine on stage, other important instruments, such as bass and the drums are played by men hidden on stage by dark lighting. But Ryan Seacrest did compare them to the Beatles, which leads me to believe that most of the American media is on crack.
To me they come across cocky and I think that Nick Jonas is really the only member of the band with talent that is worth the hype they are all getting. The Jonas Brothers are an over credited, disney channel, money making machine. I just want to know how long it will be until they are on Dancing With the Stars, or Celebrity Rehab.
-kirstie x
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