Bring Me the Horizon were the band playing, and their opening bands were quite good. I didn’t really know the other bands to well, so it was difficult to enjoy the music if your not familiar with it, especially when your avoiding windmill kicks and crowd surfers, but that is metal music for you.
BMTH took to stage after the crowd enjoyed about 10 minutes of Tom Sykes musical stylings on the drums. They started off with one of there old songs from their Count Your Blessings album. After a few fast paced songs they played some songs from Suicide Season. I think their new album shows that the band have developed more as artists, even putting their new sound aside, Oliver’s lyrics had really grown and the crowd responded to this well.
More songs where played and the venue was filled with the sounds of violent riffs and cheers. When the band thanked everyone for coming out and left the stage, the crowd asked for more. Bring Me the Horizon entered the stage once again, and after a few votes took place, everyone decided that Tell Slater Not to Wash His Dick (the band never fails to come up with the most charming song titles)should be the song to end the show. Oliver asked for the place to open up, and of course the crowd responded quite well. I cringed the entire time for fear of another kick to the head, let me tell you the crowd needed little encouragement to start violence that would make a blood thirsty group of pillagers cringe, but as I said before, that is metal music for you. And I’m not sure about you, but the whole impending death thing makes shows a bit more exciting for me.
BMTH are quite a controversial band in the blog scene. Many people accuse listeners of being posers who like the music only for “the scene” and the band has undergone a fair amount of controversy from other metal bands for their trendy and maybe even high maintenance image. To those people, I recommend going to a Bring Me The Horizon show and seeing the band actually play. Forget about their myspace friends and their 13 year old followers and if you can manage it, forget their hairstyles, because when you see this band play, their passion for music and performing may surprise you. They are more than a myspace trend, they are talented artists who have a lot to offer the music scene. I admit it, I generally do not like metal music, with the exception of a few bands of course, and although BMTH will never be my favourite band, you have to respect them as artists, because that’s what they are. Go see them live if your uncertain, you might want to bring a crash helmet with you though.
Very nice mate. Few spelling errors, but i got the point. I agree with some of your ideas about the band. i do hate it when people start following the scene when you, yourself, has been into the music since you can remember. I remember the good old days when screamo was a dislike and when emo kids never heard of scene kids :/
keep it up, ill be checking in every once in a while.
I just came across your blog and I feel like we have a lot in common. I really enjoyed this post, keep it up!
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